..poOh is hAvIng a gReAt tIme....

..poOh is hAvIng a gReAt tIme....
....iSn't hE cUte.....

....aN aNgEl froM heAven sEnt by GoD...

....aN aNgEl froM heAven sEnt by GoD...

Friday, June 29, 2007

....-_-....SiNabLigAy fEsTivAL.....-_-....

PhiLlipIneS is KnowN fOr iTs rIch culture..... It is aLsO knoWn fOr its ColorFul FiesTas.....
LaSt 24th of JuNe,we cElEbrAtEd oUr anNual ceLeBrAtiOn oF siNaBLigaY fEstiVal for Our bElOvEd PaTron SaiNt, St. JOHN the BAPTIST............ Many baLikBayans fRom aBroad and FoReiNgers caMe to VisIt and wItnesS the MOst awAitEd and COlorful sInulog.... ThE sInUlOg wAs hEld in SLSU-San Juan...... It Was ParTicIpaTEd bY SoUthErn LeYtE sTaTe UniVerSity(SLSU)-San Juan, San Juan National High School(SJNHS), San Juan Central Elementary School(SJCES), and A gRoup Of PeoplE fRom Hinunangan....... SLSU grabbed 1st pRiZe woRth 50,000 pesOs, SJNHS bagged 2nd prize woRth 40,00 pesOs, SJCES won 3rd prize woRth 30,000 pesos while hinunangan won the consolation prize.........
MAny peOple wEre alSo eAgEr tO jOin thE fEstiVity beCausE tHeRe aRe lOts of BoOths aLl ovEr tHe plAce.... It OfFered LOts anD lOts of dIffErEnt gOoDs wiTh VerY mucH aFfordAblE pRice.... EvEn I enjoYed bUyIng sOme........

The FesTivitY was A jOb wEll dOne.......... GreAt jOb CabAliAnOns!!!!!!!! 'til nExt tImE..........

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