..poOh is hAvIng a gReAt tIme....

..poOh is hAvIng a gReAt tIme....
....iSn't hE cUte.....

....aN aNgEl froM heAven sEnt by GoD...

....aN aNgEl froM heAven sEnt by GoD...

Friday, June 29, 2007

....-_-....SiNabLigAy fEsTivAL.....-_-....

PhiLlipIneS is KnowN fOr iTs rIch culture..... It is aLsO knoWn fOr its ColorFul FiesTas.....
LaSt 24th of JuNe,we cElEbrAtEd oUr anNual ceLeBrAtiOn oF siNaBLigaY fEstiVal for Our bElOvEd PaTron SaiNt, St. JOHN the BAPTIST............ Many baLikBayans fRom aBroad and FoReiNgers caMe to VisIt and wItnesS the MOst awAitEd and COlorful sInulog.... ThE sInUlOg wAs hEld in SLSU-San Juan...... It Was ParTicIpaTEd bY SoUthErn LeYtE sTaTe UniVerSity(SLSU)-San Juan, San Juan National High School(SJNHS), San Juan Central Elementary School(SJCES), and A gRoup Of PeoplE fRom Hinunangan....... SLSU grabbed 1st pRiZe woRth 50,000 pesOs, SJNHS bagged 2nd prize woRth 40,00 pesOs, SJCES won 3rd prize woRth 30,000 pesos while hinunangan won the consolation prize.........
MAny peOple wEre alSo eAgEr tO jOin thE fEstiVity beCausE tHeRe aRe lOts of BoOths aLl ovEr tHe plAce.... It OfFered LOts anD lOts of dIffErEnt gOoDs wiTh VerY mucH aFfordAblE pRice.... EvEn I enjoYed bUyIng sOme........

The FesTivitY was A jOb wEll dOne.......... GreAt jOb CabAliAnOns!!!!!!!! 'til nExt tImE..........

Saturday, June 16, 2007

.....hApPy fAthEr'S dAy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

......hEy Guyzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!say HapPy FatHer's dAy tO aLl yOur fAthErs oUt thEre.......aNd tHank tHem fOr tHe SuPpOrt and lOve.......God BleSs uS aLl.......

Friday, June 15, 2007

SuRviViNg TeEnAge LiFe

Teenage life is what we are here now. Our physical changes affect our total personality- emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. We begin to find that life is not a play anymore, as much we used to think when we were young. So, this is where the challenge lies and teenage life is just the beginning of our journey. We have to make the most out of it. Here are some tips to survive teenage life so you can face the world with great poise and smile.

Don’t be afraid of changes.
Changes are the only permanent thing in this world. You cannot escape from it and remember that you are not the only one who’s changing, in fact we all do. You are more unusual if you don’t. Don’t be afraid of it, instead welcome it and grow from there.

Don’t pretend to be someone else.
Once we enter the adolescence stage, most of us are tempt to be older or be cool to impress other people. Well, that doesn’t give you any good. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Just be yourself. Be honest to everyone but most important of all, be honest with yourself.

Learn that you must be a friend to yourself.
Companions or friends are the persons who we turned to in times of problems and fun. Having friends is very important, but we have to be a friend to our self first. There is no other best friend we can find in this world but ourselves. We know ourselves better than anyone. Ask yourself if you’re kind, gentle, caring, understanding and most important of all loving to others. Well, if it is, then certainly, it won’t be hard for others to like and love you.

Learn to deal with your emotions and with your problems.
When we feel fear, anger, hatred or jealousy, let it go. Don’t let it build up in your heart. It is better to release it than just waiting for it to explode. When it comes to problems, we have to ask ourselves what’s wrong, and we don’t have to be afraid to admit our faults. We have to find solutions to our problems. After all, there is no problem that can’t be solved.

Possess a positive attitude towards life.
Instead of thinking of the negative ones, look at it at a different way, be positive. Committing mistakes isn’t that bad after all. Those will serve as a guide not to commit the same mistakes again. Learn to laugh with it. Don’t be so harsh with yourself. We still have lots to learn. Never give up. We can do it.

Acknowledge the help of your parents.
Our parents know the best for us. We must care for them for we are here on earth right now because of them. In everything that we do, they are always here to support and correct us. So if things won’t work so well. Don’t be shy or afraid to ask them. I’m sure they will help us. After all they were teens like us before.

Don’t let vices ruin your life.
As years passed by, the number of teenagers getting into gangs, drug addiction, alcoholism and cigarette smoking is getting a lot bigger. This is because of peer pressure and problems within the home. Well, this is a serious case and threatening as well. But, it’s not impossible to avoid it as long as we keep in mind that this is not good and we will just get ourselves into trouble or even worst than we thought. There are a lot of things to do, instead of letting vices ruin our lives, engaged in other activities such as sports and focusing more time with studies, home and friends.

Take the love thing slowly.
As we enter the adolescence stage, our interest with the opposite sex has been awakened and is openly expressed. Some of us get so much infatuated with that cute lads and hot gals around us. Boys court and girls say yes. Apparently this is normal and is a part of growing up. It serves as our preparation as a parent, husband or wife in the future. But we must take it slowly. Having boyfriends or girlfriends isn’t our only responsibility. It has its proper time. But, definitely it’s up to us to handle it, or even control it.

Have a good balance with your time.
Being a teenager, we spend time with our friends but we also need to remember that we have to spend time with ourselves alone. All of us need our own space but spending too much time alone isn’t good either. However spending few hours alone, we can gather our thoughts, ideas and feelings and realize that we have our own unique identity apart from our friends, boyfriend or girlfriend. It is advisable that we balance our time alone, with one other person or with a group of people.

Take care of yourself.
Health is very much important and with the adolescence stage, lots of changes happen. In order to cope with these changes, we have to be healthy-physically, mentally and emotionally. Have a proper balance diet and exercise daily.

Always remember to turn to God.
In every step we make, God is always with us. He loves us very much. So, we must not forget to give our time for him, to pray and to have a strong faith in him, for he will show us the way.

Teenage life doesn’t seem too hard, as long as you keep all those tips in mind and remember to do the right thing and have fun. So chin up, smile and look straight ahead.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"wElCoMe gUyZzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...."'h!..... hOw u dOin??????.... tHis !s my f!rSt tImE cReaTiNg a blOg........""""sO i Don'T haVe aNy meSsAges yet......''''' bUt sOon Ill Be pOsting some Fun sTuFfs...............sO eXpeCt fOr MoRe..........hAve A n!ce Day.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!