..poOh is hAvIng a gReAt tIme....

..poOh is hAvIng a gReAt tIme....
....iSn't hE cUte.....

....aN aNgEl froM heAven sEnt by GoD...

....aN aNgEl froM heAven sEnt by GoD...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Campus Urban Legends

College campuses are breeding grounds for urban legends. An urban legend is a part of any campus culture, it is usually told in a manner that would make for a great lecture. While many colleges have urban legends that are unique to their campus, several of the same urban legends are retold from time to time at different campuses. Here are some campus urban legends- some are crazy, spine-tingling and downright unbelievable for your amazement (or amusement). Check these out!

Ateneo de Manila University
The story of the stairs is one that forces retreat-goers to go around in the safety of groups. Legend has it that late one night, a group of students went downstairs to go exploring after the others have gone to sleep. The frightening was that no matter how long they kept going down the flights of stairs from the third hall dorm they occupied, they could not seem to find the ground-floor landing. Even scarier was that they kept passing the same eerie painting of Christ at each floor landing over and over again.

De La Salle University
One day, a young Accounting sophomore decided to drop by the St. La Salle Chapel to say a quick prayer. She reached the empty chapel, went to the very first pew, knelt down and with eyes shut, began to pray. A few minutes later he heard a shuffling sound and frantic footsteps. The student open her eyes and saw a pale-faced man reaching out towards her, his torn clothes covered in blood, a bayonet stuck to his chest, and mouthing the words “Help me…”

Mindanao State University
When graduation time is near, the Princess Lawan Bae Hall (PLBH) dorm residents usually hear footsteps along the hallway, although no one is there. The old janitress says they are seniors who committed suicide after finding out that they were pregnant. One restroom cubicle in the dorm has been closed since residents claimed to feel inexplicable, eerie sensations when they use it. It is said that one of the students performed self-abortion and died inside the cubicle.

Sta. Isabel College
One particular area you’d hate to be alone in is the old Tesoro Auditorium. It was around six in the evening and students were rehearsing for a play. After the final scene, the student director, who sat alone the midst of the empty chairs, signaled “the end.” The two main Characters paused for a few seconds, walked to center stage and bowed. Simultaneously, loud stumps and footsteps from an unseen cast were heard on the wooden floor of the stage, while several claps emanated from the empty seats. In the orchestra were three students were assigned to handle the lights, footsteps were heard down the aisle, slowly approaching the front area close to where the lights were. The clamor lasted for a couple of seconds as the students froze in their places. When the noise died down, they ran out and panic and were not able to go back until the day of presentation.

Trinity College
During overnight press work, the section editor takes a rest and went out of the editorial board cubicle. Suddenly, he heard the tick-tack of the keyboards, as if someone was typing. Knowing that he was all alone, he decided to look if somebody was using the computer. To his surprise, he saw Jackie typed in the screen repeatedly. The keyboard continued to tick-tack until the screen was filled with the name Jackie.
College of Saint Benilde

It happened a few years ago at the College of Saint Benilde. In an early morning class, a girl in black dress entered room M-409 where a class was going on. The class didn’t mind her, thinking that she was only sitting in. Suddenly, in the middle of the teacher’s lecture, the girl stood up, walked towards the front wall and to everyone’s awe, simply vanished. Until now that ghost story still scares students who take classes in the said room.

Nueve Ecija University of Science and Technology
A lovelorn spirit in our campus possessed a high school freshman girl a few months ago. She would often see the guy standing near a balete tree at the back of the HS building. She said that when Allen (the guy or spirit’s name) entered her body, he would tour her around the campus and tell her that she looked so much of his dead girlfriend. The girl now goes to a new school, and word has it that Allen does not bother her anymore.

St. Scholastica’s College
A group of high school girls had a play in the Little Theater. They took shots of themselves, and when the film was developed, a nun was seen with them during curtain call. The nun had no face, she was floating, and her hands were clasped as though in prayer, except that they pointed downwards, and her head was cracked as though she had been hanged.

University of the Philippines-Los BaƱos
There was a group of guys who passed by Bakers Hall and noticed that there was a party going on. Everybody was dressed as if they were in the 80’s era. They had such a great time that they wanted to invite their other friends along. So, out they went. But when they came back, Bakers Hall was as quite as dark as the night.

University of the Philippines- Diliman
Benitez Hall, which houses the College of Education, is considered the most haunted building in the campus (it is the oldest as well). It served as one of the Japanese interrogation centers during World War II, so that many Filipino and American soldiers died there. On a very rainy evening, a female instructor got stranded in front of the Education Building. She begged the security guards to let her pass the night inside. The guard agreed and locked her up in one of the classrooms. It was a restless night for the lady. She had heard the ghost stories but refused to believe them. In the classroom was a door with a peering hole. Curious at what was going on outside, she peeped and saw nothing but the color red. The next morning, she asked the security guard if the ghost stories were true. “Yes Ma’am,” answered the man. “One of the ghosts sighted is in fact seen as dressed in white and with big red eyes.

So what are you feeling now? Are you scared? Whether it’s true or not, it doesn’t matter as long as you pray to God. He will keep you away from danger and maybe it’s best to keep the lights on tonight….Sweet dreams!

................................................................................*source: Chalk Magazine

No One Can Replace Mom and Dad!

With so many agencies devoted to child training and development these days, thousands of parents are beginning to doubt their own importance. They seem willing to surrender their rights- that of passing along to their children the family’s spiritual and moral heritage.

No one can replace the parents. The agencies such as the school, church or training camps are helpful, yet the parent’s influences may be good or bad remains the main factor in a child’s character formation.

For example, parents sent their child on training camps hoping that their child can change his bad attitudes such as being late, never does his home works and loses his values. Training camps are of no benefit if parents will still allow their child to become dependent on them as soon as he went home. Such parents don’t inculcate their own influence and teach their child on their own.

Such as honesty, parents sent their children to school hoping that they would also teach them the essence of honesty, one of the very important factors in life. Yet, this may not work if there are conflicting values at home. The research of Dr. Howard Lane in New York University shows that those students who cheated during exams are products of successful-driven parents who lie in order to achieve success. Under such circumstances, a child will not be able to learn the importance of honesty, even if a teacher tells about it a hundred times or more.

A child may grow up selfish and cruel if he lives with parents who are too impatient, easily angered, or too busy to spent time with him. While a child may grow good and lovable towards others if he lives with parents who are gentle, patient and attends to all his needs always. The child’s love of his parents pushes him to adopt and learn their best traits. No other people can give the love a child can get from his parents.

Parents also play the major role in teaching their child the courage in facing problems and situations towards his life’s journey. A parent who shows a child his importance and respects his ideas and feelings, develops real courage while a child who are considered by his parents too stupid to make decisions on his own and disrespect what he thought and feel will not develop courage. Courage is not being lectured; it is being shown and felt in the heart.

Though the modern world of today changes some patterns of family life and requires parents to work very hard to attend to their family’s needs, they must not forget their job of child rearing.

With the complications of modern living, we can’t expect parenthood to be perfect. Though their are hundreds of ways to be a good parent, the parents and future parents out there must always remember that no matter what of which they choose, one must not forget that neither a school, a church nor any other agency can replace the home in giving a child the qualities he needs for a successful living in the future.